Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Quest for Fair Trade Chocolate

So I bought these wrappers from to give as gifts/favors to those at my rehearsal dinner as "thank yous" but I refuse to fill them with Hershey bars.
This week's mission has been to find fair trade chocolate bars to put in them, but most bars are far too BIG and EXPENSIVE. I looked at the local coop grocery store and nothing there will work. All I have found is Divine (pictured below from that will work...but I would much rather like to share all the exotic flavors that exist in the world of fair trade chocolate. Any ideas?

What is fair trade?

Why chocolate? (from

For now, chocolate is a bitter sweet…
  • 284,000 children toil in abusive labor conditions in West Africa’s cocoa fields
  • Cocoa companies pay prices so low that many cocoa farmers cannot meet their families’ basic needs
But we can fix all that...with Fair Trade certified chocolate:
  • Forced and abusive child labor are prohibited
  • Farming families earn a price that is adequate to meet their basic human needs
  • Environmentally sustainable production methods are required

How can I incorporate fair trade into my wedding?

There are also several places that make individual chocolates that people give for favors sometimes. Here is a starting list.

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